IKEA : Swedish Meatballs

Thursday 14 February 2013

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food."
~George Bernard Shaw~

My love for IKEA's meatball is a sincere love...
yummeh kind of love...

5, 10 or 15 pieces?
it's up to you...

for me 5 is enough
and 10 is very full...

i remember the first time i went to eat meatball
it was just a plastic plate...

then they serve in proper plates...

they even added a little green leaves to make the plate look good...

but recently back to the plastic plates again...
maybe plastic for smaller portion...

what i like the most now...  i can add broccoli...
now the meal look healthier... hehehee...
broccoli is my favourite...
walaupun rebus jer... heheheee...

(^^,)   i love meatball and broccoli...